Device System API - Implementation Template (US Core)

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Custom object field addition

To add a field to a custom object in Health Cloud (HealthCloudGA____EhrDevice____c):

  1. From Health Cloud in the upper right corner, click the settings (gear) icon.
  2. Click Setup.
  3. From the Home tab in the left menu, expand 'Objects and Fields' and then click Object Manager.
  4. Search for 'EHR Device' and then click into it.
  5. In the 'Fields and Relationships' page, use the 'New' button and create the following fields:
Field LabelField NameData Type
UDI Carrier AIDCHealthCloudGA_UDICarrierAIDC__cText(32768)
UDI Carrier HRFHealthCloudGA_UDICarrierHRF__cText(32768)
Type DisplayHealthCloudGA_TypeDisplay__cText(255)


Published by
MuleSoft Solutions
Published onFeb 26, 2025
Asset overview

Asset versions for 1.1.x

Asset versions